IBG Logo


  • Where is the Company's headquarters?

    US Office

    7108 Fairway Dr., Suite 120

    Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

    Australia Office

    29 Anvil Road

    Seven Hills, NSW, 2147

  • Who are the Company’s executives?

    Visit the Management Team page for an overview.

  • When did the Company go public?

    This information is not available. 

  • Where do I find public filings?

    Visit the SEC site at www.sec.gov and use the search functions for Innovation Beverage Group or ticker: IBG.

  • What is the Company's year end?

    Fiscal year end is December 31. The Company’s semi-annual earnings periods conclude on June 30 and December 31.

  • Who is the Company's transfer agent?

    Vstock Transfer, LLC

    18 Lafayette Place

    Woodmere, NY 11598

    Phone:  212.828.8436

    Email: cstmail@continentalstock.com

  • Who is the Company's auditor?

    Accell Audit & Compliance, PA

    4868 West Gandy Boulevard

    Tampa, Florida 33611, US

  • Who is the Company's legal counsel?

    Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP

  • What is the Company's CUSIP number?

    Q4933C 117

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